About Mary Markou

Mary Markou Is an energy alignment therapist of Cosmic Energy Healing, Tutor of the method and author. She lives in London and traveled around the world as a therapist and lecturer, in order to spend the knowledge and the benefits of this incredible therapeutic quantum method.

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Critical Sources of depression that you cant imagine

By |2020-11-03T14:24:03+00:00September 26th, 2019|Cosmic Energy Healing, Depression, Healing, Mental Health, Psychology, Torkom Saraydarian|

A major source of depression starts from the brain.  If the brain is tired, you will have continuous problems leading you into depression.  The brain needs rest, rest from the

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A Scientific Explanation of the Matrix

By |2020-11-02T18:03:32+00:00September 20th, 2019|Cosmic Energy Healing, Mary Markou, Matrix|

What is the Schumann Resonance? (Explanation of the Matrix) All living organisms interact and connect with each other through electromagnetic waves and all of Earth’s inhabitants carry the memory of

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