Cosmic Energy Healing Master Training – Master Level 4


Duration of training: 4 days (consecutive) and a total of 28 hours.
Tuning into 6 Energy frequencies.
Energy Healing Frequencies (Channels) – MASTER LEVEL 3
Farun, Oural, Raun, Lougra, Gekata, Agni-Houm
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Duration of training: 4 days (consecutive) – total of 28 hours.
Tuning into 6 Healing Energy frequencies.
Energy Healing Frequencies (Channels) – MASTER LEVEL 4
Saint Moses:
  • Helps the whole respiratory system – mainly lungs
  • Heals curable diseases of the liver, stomach, stomach cancer, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys
Saint Buda
  • Helps in the treatment of all stomach, gastrointestinal
  • Hollow, joints, bone fractures
  • Post-operative sutures and scars
Titan: ONLY for the activation of chakras in difficult/complicated cases.
Karma Sutra: cleanses karma and speeds up the transfer of virtuousness over the karmic body (good things in life come quicker).
Τοr: dissolves concentrations of heavy negative energy
Objects Blessing Channel: helps in the energy purification and cleansing of all objects and goods
Certificate: Upon completion, a certificate is issued and signed by The Cosmic Energy Healing Ltd.
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