You can Have it All

Honestly, I bought the book because it said it had been selected by Oxford's Bodleian Library. However, when I started reading it, it was like waking up from the nutritional nightmare I was living in. I realized that we ourselves destroy a large part of our health by eating junk food. For the next three months, the book and I became one. I started using the new way of thinking and its detailed recipes and started eating exactly as described, alkaline. I lost weight effortlessly, gained energy and clarity, and my acne significantly subsided. This book should be taught in schools. A big thank you!
I believe that "Spit It Out" is a book of great study and deep knowledge. I wonder why we don't learn all this from a young age in some way. I used the book's very easy and detailed recipes (congratulations to the chef who collaborated on the project) as a starting point and then understood the rationale, and now I cook or eat out, almost always choosing high-energy foods that alkalize the body. I feel like I'm 10 years younger.
Although the book contains a lot of specialized and lesser-known information for most of us, it is written very simply and understandably. The recipes created by the book's chef are amazing, and I also found the shopping basket idea very clever, so you can choose exactly the quantities you need to cook and not waste your money. I cook for the whole family and am especially happy because my children are finally eating properly and deliciously.
When you're a man living alone, it's very likely you don't eat very well since you don't pay much attention to it. I bought the book because I wanted to try to do something better for myself. I really discovered how I can cook quickly, easily, simply, deliciously, and truly healthily. The recipes and the shopping basket help you organize amazingly. I think now I don't just put something on my plate; now I eat consciously!