

The energy centres of our body



The Focal Points of your Body

Energy Centres

The source of energy flow, the word chakra means ‘wheel’ in Sanskrit.

According to the prevailing view, the chakra system consists of 7 invisible energy centres that are mentally located along the spine, through which the vital energy ‘prana’ flows, influencing the physical, mental and spiritual level of our existence.

the chakras
figure muladhara

Muladhara: Mula= root/ Adhara= base or support

Base (Root) Chakra

The Base Chakra, unlike the rest, “looks” down, towards earth, drawing the energy of earth conveying universal energy. This chakra connects humans (us) with earth, the natural world as well as with all living beings.

Unfortunately, humankind in the main today seems to have forgotten that we are part of nature, that humans (we) share many functions and instincts with the rest of the creatures, and that we are an integral part of a vast network of life and energy where everyone and everything is connected to each other by the exchange of energy and information. It is imperative that the feeling that we belong to the natural world is reawakened and that we understand the spiritual concept of the world around us. To suppose that we are separate from the natural world as observers and exploiters is a tragic mistake that can be fatal and lead to our extinction.

The Base Chakra begins to evolve from the embryonic stage and pertains to our first relationship – the one with our mother.

The Base Chakra is the “Base” from where we begin to form our lives. It represents the conditions for our survival and all the needs associated with this (home, work, money, food). It is also the place of all our fears, guilt and worries.

It is no coincidence that the colour red is attributed to this chakra. Red is the colour of blood, passion, life force itself, and expresses the energy of the planet Mars, symbolizing dynamism and vitality. Red vibrates in the lower frequency range of colours, just as the Base Chakra does which works with coarser energy.

On the physical body level, the Base Chakra is related to the following:

  • Bones
  • Teeth
  • Nails
  • Feet
  • Large intestine
  • Rectum
  • Prostate
  • Adrenal glands
  • Blood
  • Cell proliferation
  • Adrenaline
  • Noradrenaline.

When the Base Chakra works harmoniously, we feel that “our feet are firmly on the ground”, we have made the right choices in life and “leave our mark wherever we go”. We are infused with courage, strength and power both on a mental and spiritual level, we only concentrate on the Here and Now. stability, balance, determination, and the ability to take responsibility for our choices and actions are yet further indications that show the efficient functioning of the Base Chakra.

On the other hand, an imbalanced and dysfunctional Base Chakra can cause:

  • Obesity
  • Constipation
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Prostate problems
  • Sciatica
  • Atony, fatigue, weakness
  • Bulimia
  • Melancholy, depression
  • Nervousness, neurosis
  • Feeling unstable, recklessness, low self-esteem, self-destructiveness
  • Anxiety, (irrational) fear, and a myriad of other fears (e.g. bankruptcy, death, misfortune, etc.), phobias (e.g. open or closed spaces, lightning, animals, etc.)
  • Feelings of economic uncertainty, miserliness, gluttony, prodigality,
  • Desire to possess material goods in every way/acquisitiveness/
  • Excessive desire for glory and social power, self-centeredness

Position: Perineum (area between the external genitalia and the anus)

Verb: HAVE

Sense: Smell

Element: Earth

Color: Red

Gland: adrenal glands

Mantra: Lam

Aromatherapy: Cedar, Pine, Marjoram, Cloves, Poplar

Crystals: Ruby, Garnet, Hematite, Cuprite, Galena, Red, Jasper, Red Calcite, Obsidian, Smoky Quartz, black Tourmaline, Brown, Tourmaline, Andalusite, Bloodstone (heliotrope), Cerussite, Marcasite, Petrified Wood, Sphalerite, Zirconium, Axinite *


  1. The crystals with an asterisk have a high vibration. If you have not previously worked with crystals, do not start with them because they can unbalance your energy body.
  2. Transparent quartz can work with all the chakras. It is also the only crystal which facilitates its being “programmed”.
  3. Other crystals which can be used with all the Chakras: Labradorite, Spinel, Tektite, Tibetan Black Quartz, Titanium Quartz, Lithium Quartz, Quartz-Rutile, Maldonite*, Aegirine, Aragonite Star Clusters, Black Phantom
    Quartz, Celestial Quartz, Chrysanthemum stone, Covellite, Dolomite, Elestial Quartz, Epidote, Faden Quartz, Flint, Fulgurite, Galenite, Hanksite, Seraphinite, Shaman Stone, Shiva Lingam, Vesuvianite.
figure muladhara@2x 1
figure muladhara

Muladhara: Mula= root/ Adhara= base or support

The Root (Base) Chakra

The Base Chakra, unlike the rest, “looks” down, towards earth, drawing the energy of earth conveying universal energy. This chakra connects humans (us) with earth, the natural world as well as with all living beings.

Unfortunately, humankind in the main today seems to have forgotten that we are part of nature, that humans (we) share many functions and instincts with the rest of the creatures, and that we are an integral part of a vast network of life and energy where everyone and everything is connected to each other by the exchange of energy and information. It is imperative that the feeling that we belong to the natural world is reawakened and that we understand the spiritual concept of the world around us. To suppose that we are separate from the natural world as observers and exploiters is a tragic mistake that can be fatal and lead to our extinction.

The Base Chakra begins to evolve from the embryonic stage and pertains to our first relationship – the one with our mother.

The Base Chakra is the “Base” from where we begin to form our lives. It represents the conditions for our survival and all the needs associated with this (home, work, money, food). It is also the place of all our fears, guilt and worries.

It is no coincidence that the colour red is attributed to this chakra. Red is the colour of blood, passion, life force itself, and expresses the energy of the planet Mars, symbolizing dynamism and vitality. Red vibrates in the lower frequency range of colours, just as the Base Chakra does which works with coarser energy.

On the physical body level, the Base Chakra is related to the following:

  • Bones
  • Teeth
  • Nails
  • Feet
  • Large intestine
  • Rectum
  • Prostate
  • Adrenal glands
  • Blood
  • Cell proliferation
  • Adrenaline
  • Noradrenaline.

When the Base Chakra works harmoniously, we feel that “our feet are firmly on the ground”, we have made the right choices in life and “leave our mark wherever we go”. We are infused with courage, strength and power both on a mental and spiritual level, we only concentrate on the Here and Now. stability, balance, determination, and the ability to take responsibility for our choices and actions are yet further indications that show the efficient functioning of the Base Chakra.

On the other hand, an imbalanced and dysfunctional Base Chakra can cause:

  • Obesity
  • Constipation
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Prostate problems
  • Sciatica
  • Atony, fatigue, weakness
  • Bulimia
  • Melancholy, depression
  • Nervousness, neurosis
  • Feeling unstable, recklessness, low self-esteem, self-destructiveness
  • Anxiety, (irrational) fear, and a myriad of other fears (e.g. bankruptcy, death, misfortune, etc.), phobias (e.g. open or closed spaces, lightning, animals, etc.)
  • Feelings of economic uncertainty, miserliness, gluttony, prodigality,
  • Desire to possess material goods in every way/acquisitiveness/
  • Excessive desire for glory and social power, self-centeredness

Position: Perineum (area between the external genitalia and the anus)

Verb: HAVE

Sense: Smell

Element: Earth

Color: Red

Gland: adrenal glands

Mantra: Lam

Aromatherapy: Cedar, Pine, Marjoram, Cloves, Poplar

Crystals: Ruby, Garnet, Hematite, Cuprite, Galena, Red, Jasper, Red Calcite, Obsidian, Smoky Quartz, black Tourmaline, Brown, Tourmaline, Andalusite, Bloodstone (heliotrope), Cerussite, Marcasite, Petrified Wood, Sphalerite, Zirconium, Axinite *


  1. The crystals with an asterisk have a high vibration. If you have not previously worked with crystals, do not start with them because they can unbalance your energy body.
  2. Transparent quartz can work with all the chakras. It is also the only crystal which facilitates its being “programmed”.
  3. Other crystals which can be used with all the Chakras: Labradorite, Spinel, Tektite, Tibetan Black Quartz, Titanium Quartz, Lithium Quartz, Quartz-Rutile, Maldonite*, Aegirine, Aragonite Star Clusters, Black Phantom
    Quartz, Celestial Quartz, Chrysanthemum stone, Covellite, Dolomite, Elestial Quartz, Epidote, Faden Quartz, Flint, Fulgurite, Galenite, Hanksite, Seraphinite, Shaman Stone, Shiva Lingam, Vesuvianite.

Svadisthana = sweetness

The Sacral Chakra

The area of Sacral Chakra governs our sense of balance and movement. It offers grace and flow to our activities – what the Indians call Prana and the Chinese Chi the life-force that permeates and feeds every living thing and living system.

One of the major centres of the concentration and distribution of Chi is known in Chinese as Tan Tien. It is equivalent, though not identical, to the sacred chakra.

The same point is called Hara in Japanese. It is the same centre of life-force that directs and distributes Chi to every part of the body so as to keep the body in a healthy condition with great reserves of strength and endurance.

The second chakra is the centre of all physical pleasures. It relates to everything that gives us pleasure and first and foremost, sexual pleasure. It governs sexuality, childbirth and creativity at all levels.

In terms of childbirth this chakra lies dormant until adolescence. However, throughout our lives, it is this chakra which fires our imagination and causes us to rush headlong into things which give us pleasure.

The 2nd Chakra is the centre of our secondary relationships: father, teachers and, lovers. In addition, it harmonizes male and female energy. It is associated with the element of water and its characteristics are: flow, movement, purification, flexibility. This chakra affects the flow of all bodily fluids.

It has been found that the activity of sexual hormones has the effect of increased brain alertness and an aptitude for research/ exploration. The latter two characteristics have been instrumental in the expansion and prevalence of the human species. This interesting observation establishes the connection of the second chakra to the human mind.

The function of human sexuality is complex, both physically and sociologically. It has given people the opportunity to evolve through the creation of close interpersonal relationships as well as to discover various concepts and feelings (love, erotic love/sex, companionship). Unfortunately, history shows that sexuality has been was handled maleficently by strong social structures/ the establishment (Church, Religion, State) responsible for some of the most monstrous defilements and persecutions against women for example. Every generation and everyone faces the eternal questions related to the use and abuse of sexual power to a greater or lesser extent. Undoubtedly, there is a difference between men and women in how they experience their sexuality. This is attributed to biological differences, social conditions and different standards.

In women, the area of the 2nd Chakra includes the uterus and it is for this reason that this Chakra appears to originate from within the body. Sexuality is usually experienced at a deep level and is an experience which involves the whole of the individual. In contrast, men, due to lack of a uterus, usually experience sexuality more superficially and in many cases, cannot connect emotionally.

The second chakra in men may be embedded, but it can also be “seen” as a sphere hanging from the body. This of course does not mean that men cannot have a deep sexual experience. Such an experience, however, presupposes the integration of the chakra and depends directly on it.
Sexual energies can align with higher energy centres, but in the main, with the fifth chakra (throat chakra). Alice Bailey’s Tibetan master pointed out that when the actions of the Sacral Layer are redirected and transferred to the centre of the throat, then a person becomes a conscious creator of the higher worlds, penetrates the “veil”, enters and begins to create the forms and plans for all that which will ultimately bring about the new heaven and the new Earth.

Various schools and philosophies have followed this approach of sexuality as a way of bridging the gap between body and spirit, sexuality and spirituality.

In the tantric culture, sexuality has been elevated to a mystic and sanctified state. The human sexual union symbolizes the cosmic union, the encounter between male and female opposites. Sex is the way in which people can liberate their personal energy from the narrow limits of social conditioning and carnal desires. The raw, primitive power of passion becomes the fuel that fires the transformation of personal consciousness into transcendental just as the energy of the second Chakra is consciously elevated to a Higher Source.

On a bodily level, the Sacral chakra is related to the following:

  • All bodily fluids (blood, lymph node, urine, semen, digestive fluids)
  • Genitals
  • Kidneys
  • Bladder

When the second chakra is positive and works normally, this gives a sense of self-confidence and creativity. Imagination is used constructively, and sexual energy brings a sense of fulfillment unification and integration. One has the conditions to achieve family happiness and to create a strong family with happy healthy children.

But, imbalance and dysfunction of the Sacral Chakra can cause:

  • Emotional instability and hypersensitivity, emotional dependence
  • Tendency to manipulate others, oppression of emotions
  • Fear of expressing emotions,
  • Fear of sex/ relaxation/ pleasure/ sensuality
  • Irrational guilt about feelings and desires
  • Frigidity, erection problems, impotence, gender denial
  • Alcoholism, drug abuse
  • Lack of physical or emotional flexibility

Position: The Sacrum (area above the pubic bone and under the navel)

Verb: FEEL

Sense: taste

Element: water

Colour: orange

Gland: ovaries, testicles

Mantra: Vam

Aromatherapy: sandalwood, Ylang-ylang, cinnamon

Crystals: Carnelian, Calcite Orange, Tangerine Quartz, Citrine, Fire Agate, Vanadinite, Wulfenite, Tiger’s Eye, Spessartine Garnet, Libyan Gold Tektite*, Marcasite, Fire Opal, Russian Red Quartz, sphalerite, Zirconium, Zincite *.

figure svadisthana
figure svadisthana

Svadisthana = sweetness

The Sacral Chakra

The area of Sacral Chakra governs our sense of balance and movement. It offers grace and flow to our activities – what the Indians call Prana and the Chinese Chi the life-force that permeates and feeds every living thing and living system.

One of the major centres of the concentration and distribution of Chi is known in Chinese as Tan Tien. It is equivalent, though not identical, to the sacred chakra.

The same point is called Hara in Japanese. It is the same centre of life-force that directs and distributes Chi to every part of the body so as to keep the body in a healthy condition with great reserves of strength and endurance.

The second chakra is the centre of all physical pleasures. It relates to everything that gives us pleasure and first and foremost, sexual pleasure. It governs sexuality, childbirth and creativity at all levels.

In terms of childbirth this chakra lies dormant until adolescence. However, throughout our lives, it is this chakra which fires our imagination and causes us to rush headlong into things which give us pleasure.

The 2nd Chakra is the centre of our secondary relationships: father, teachers and, lovers. In addition, it harmonizes male and female energy. It is associated with the element of water and its characteristics are: flow, movement, purification, flexibility. This chakra affects the flow of all bodily fluids.

It has been found that the activity of sexual hormones has the effect of increased brain alertness and an aptitude for research/ exploration. The latter two characteristics have been instrumental in the expansion and prevalence of the human species. This interesting observation establishes the connection of the second chakra to the human mind.

The function of human sexuality is complex, both physically and sociologically. It has given people the opportunity to evolve through the creation of close interpersonal relationships as well as to discover various concepts and feelings (love, erotic love/sex, companionship). Unfortunately, history shows that sexuality has been was handled maleficently by strong social structures/ the establishment (Church, Religion, State) responsible for some of the most monstrous defilements and persecutions against women for example. Every generation and everyone faces the eternal questions related to the use and abuse of sexual power to a greater or lesser extent. Undoubtedly, there is a difference between men and women in how they experience their sexuality. This is attributed to biological differences, social conditions and different standards.

In women, the area of the 2nd Chakra includes the uterus and it is for this reason that this Chakra appears to originate from within the body. Sexuality is usually experienced at a deep level and is an experience which involves the whole of the individual. In contrast, men, due to lack of a uterus, usually experience sexuality more superficially and in many cases, cannot connect emotionally.

The second chakra in men may be embedded, but it can also be “seen” as a sphere hanging from the body. This of course does not mean that men cannot have a deep sexual experience. Such an experience, however, presupposes the integration of the chakra and depends directly on it.
Sexual energies can align with higher energy centres, but in the main, with the fifth chakra (throat chakra). Alice Bailey’s Tibetan master pointed out that when the actions of the Sacral Layer are redirected and transferred to the centre of the throat, then a person becomes a conscious creator of the higher worlds, penetrates the “veil”, enters and begins to create the forms and plans for all that which will ultimately bring about the new heaven and the new Earth.

Various schools and philosophies have followed this approach of sexuality as a way of bridging the gap between body and spirit, sexuality and spirituality.

In the tantric culture, sexuality has been elevated to a mystic and sanctified state. The human sexual union symbolizes the cosmic union, the encounter between male and female opposites. Sex is the way in which people can liberate their personal energy from the narrow limits of social conditioning and carnal desires. The raw, primitive power of passion becomes the fuel that fires the transformation of personal consciousness into transcendental just as the energy of the second Chakra is consciously elevated to a Higher Source.

On a bodily level, the Sacral chakra is related to the following:

  • All bodily fluids (blood, lymph node, urine, semen, digestive fluids)
  • Genitals
  • Kidneys
  • Bladder

When the second chakra is positive and works normally, this gives a sense of self-confidence and creativity. Imagination is used constructively, and sexual energy brings a sense of fulfillment unification and integration. One has the conditions to achieve family happiness and to create a strong family with happy healthy children.

But, imbalance and dysfunction of the Sacral Chakra can cause:

  • Emotional instability and hypersensitivity, emotional dependence
  • Tendency to manipulate others, oppression of emotions
  • Fear of expressing emotions,
  • Fear of sex/ relaxation/ pleasure/ sensuality
  • Irrational guilt about feelings and desires
  • Frigidity, erection problems, impotence, gender denial
  • Alcoholism, drug abuse
  • Lack of physical or emotional flexibility

Position: The Sacrum (area above the pubic bone and under the navel)

Verb: FEEL

Sense: taste

Element: water

Colour: orange

Gland: ovaries, testicles

Mantra: Vam

Aromatherapy: sandalwood, Ylang-ylang, cinnamon

Crystals: Carnelian, Calcite Orange, Tangerine Quartz, Citrine, Fire Agate, Vanadinite, Wulfenite, Tiger’s Eye, Spessartine Garnet, Libyan Gold Tektite*, Marcasite, Fire Opal, Russian Red Quartz, sphalerite, Zirconium, Zincite *.

figure manipura

Manipura = Gemstone or Stone City

Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra is located in the stomach area and its basic function is focused on “digestion” (not only of food), but also of the acceptance or rejection that we have of ideas, people and feelings.

It symbolizes the Sun and its qualities (i.e. cheerfulness, joy of life, power, the exercising of power).
It is the epicentre of our ego and the need to define ourselves as individuals.

This chakra is the centre which is most active during adolescence. The power that comes from the formation of our personal truths and abilities is found here.

One might say that the third chakra functions as a personal fuel store. If the reserves are low in an individual, then they do not have the strength
and the courage to project themselves to the world and have any impact.

Willpower is a direct expression of our inner self and when one has lost contact with it, they are transformed into a victim of fortune.

Our own volition is fundamental in the creation of a happy and fulfilled person as it “converts” our inner nature into external expression and enables us to overcome difficult situations and conditions of life.

Conversely, a weak Will leads to weakness in morals/virtues and abilities such as determination, self-determination and orientation in the “sea of life.”

A person without strength of Will drowns and is carried away as they are in fact controlled and defined by whoever they are interacting with.

We are the only beings in the entire Universe with freewill! This property allows us the ability to choose and teaches us the value of correct judgment/ criterion.
Through the conscious use of our will we can create a better tomorrow or head for destruction.

The choice is ours.

When our freewill is blocked, we suffer from a feeling of frustration or failure, which manifests itself on the bodily plane with a tightening of the whole area of the solar plexus.

When willpower is lost, the stomach turns into water. The inner Fire goes out and courage fails us.

Ideally, there should be a free flow of energy between one’s freedom of choice and the freedom shown to the rest of the world, but this often gets blocked.
The cause of this blockage may be a temporary barrier created for example by a personal conflict or it may have its roots in much deeper, chronic oppressive situations.

Many lose their willpower in childhood when forced to comply with the moral code and social constructs imposed by various people in their environment, who personified Magistracy, Power, Authority (parents, relatives, teachers, etc.) Any disobedience of such dominant figures was usually treated with intense criticism and punishment which in turn led to the creation of remorse and guilt. Guilt and shame block the chakra to a considerable extent, preventing the individual from working with the Solar Plexus Chakra at an emotional level, and thus, leading to interacting almost exclusively through the thoughts of those around us / how we are expected to be/act.

When the will is blocked, either at its source or externally, the solar plexus chakra cannot be expressed and the movement of energy through it is distorted. In this case at any given moment a stimulus may fracture the “wall of the floodgate” and all the trapped energy will spill over. Then one may suffer some sort of crisis through a violent emotional outburst or even collapse.

The third chakra contains all the “raw” / primitive feelings.

When we freely externalise and unobtrusively invest these outwardly, then they can be fulfilled, integrated and become part of the self and the whole of ourselves. But when the senses, for whatever reason, are not expressed and turn inward, they remain “wedged” in the chakra until they are purified/ cleansed. Anger, in particular, can remain trapped for many years. The stomach is very sensitive to sudden changes in our feelings. So, when we feel “butterflies” in our stomach, it is very likely that we are experiencing fear, nervousness or anxiety. A sudden shock is like getting a punch in the stomach causing the feeling of being physically sick. When we are upset, we cannot eat properly. All these natural senses / symptoms reflect the activity and state of the chakra itself.

On the bodily plane the solar plexus chakra is related to:

  • Waist area of the back
  • Abdominal area
  • Gastrointestinal area
  • Digestive system
  • Stomach
  • Spleen
  • Gall bladder
  • Pancreas (insulin)
  • Liver

What do we really want to be?
Dynamic people, victims or oppressors?

If the third chakra works efficiently/ harmoniously, we feel powerful, full of light and positive energy, radiating in our surroundings and we feel unique enjoying a beautiful, happy life with a clear sense of self – direction. Even more, we can enjoy positive characteristics such as: success at work, power, progress, ambition, independent action, precise formation and expression of thoughts, intellect.

An imbalance and dysfunctional Solar plexus chakra can cause:

  • A variety of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Liver disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Increased or decreased appetite
  • Anger
  • Insecurity
  • Fear
  • Fear of being alone
  • Have demanding, manipulative tendencies
  • Workaholism
  • A sense of superiority
  • Paranoia
  • Hostility
  • Excessive pride
  • Obsessions
  • Excessive use of intellect/ rationalization (i.e. excuses)
  • Amnesia
  • Extreme anxiety
  • Psychological illnesses

Cleansing of the intestine is considered to be mandatory for those suffering from neurosis and mental illness.

How to strengthen and Activate the Solar Plexus Chakra:

  • Accept and embrace the joy of life – recognize, feel and appreciate joy, happiness and beauty at all times even in the simplest thing.
  • Embrace and accept yourself the same way you love and respect your best friends.
  • “Know Thyself”. You cannot figure out who you are if you cannot recognize who you are and what you are not.

Position: between the 12th thoracic and the 1st lumbar vertebra

Verb: I CAN

Sense: vision

Element: fire

Colour: yellow

Gland: pancreas

Mantra: RAM

Aromatherapy: lavender, lemon, orange, bergamot, thyme, ylang-ylang

Crystals: citrine, amber, tiger’s eye, pyrite, golden topaz (imperial), golden tourmaline, zincite *, amblygonite, brazilianite, yellow apatite, gold calcite, chrysoberyl, sunstone, grossular / spessartine garnet, libyan gold tektite *, golden labradorite (bytownite), malachite, marcasite, peridot, vanadinite, wulfenite

figure manipura

Manipura = Gemstone or Stone City

The Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra is located in the stomach area and its basic function is focused on “digestion” (not only of food), but also of the acceptance or rejection that we have of ideas, people and feelings.

It symbolizes the Sun and its qualities (i.e. cheerfulness, joy of life, power, the exercising of power).
It is the epicentre of our ego and the need to define ourselves as individuals.

This chakra is the centre which is most active during adolescence. The power that comes from the formation of our personal truths and abilities is found here.

One might say that the third chakra functions as a personal fuel store. If the reserves are low in an individual, then they do not have the strength
and the courage to project themselves to the world and have any impact.

Willpower is a direct expression of our inner self and when one has lost contact with it, they are transformed into a victim of fortune.

Our own volition is fundamental in the creation of a happy and fulfilled person as it “converts” our inner nature into external expression and enables us to overcome difficult situations and conditions of life.

Conversely, a weak Will leads to weakness in morals/virtues and abilities such as determination, self-determination and orientation in the “sea of life.”

A person without strength of Will drowns and is carried away as they are in fact controlled and defined by whoever they are interacting with.

We are the only beings in the entire Universe with freewill! This property allows us the ability to choose and teaches us the value of correct judgment/ criterion.
Through the conscious use of our will we can create a better tomorrow or head for destruction.

The choice is ours.

When our freewill is blocked, we suffer from a feeling of frustration or failure, which manifests itself on the bodily plane with a tightening of the whole area of the solar plexus.

When willpower is lost, the stomach turns into water. The inner Fire goes out and courage fails us.

Ideally, there should be a free flow of energy between one’s freedom of choice and the freedom shown to the rest of the world, but this often gets blocked.
The cause of this blockage may be a temporary barrier created for example by a personal conflict or it may have its roots in much deeper, chronic oppressive situations.

Many lose their willpower in childhood when forced to comply with the moral code and social constructs imposed by various people in their environment, who personified Magistracy, Power, Authority (parents, relatives, teachers, etc.) Any disobedience of such dominant figures was usually treated with intense criticism and punishment which in turn led to the creation of remorse and guilt. Guilt and shame block the chakra to a considerable extent, preventing the individual from working with the Solar Plexus Chakra at an emotional level, and thus, leading to interacting almost exclusively through the thoughts of those around us / how we are expected to be/act.

When the will is blocked, either at its source or externally, the solar plexus chakra cannot be expressed and the movement of energy through it is distorted. In this case at any given moment a stimulus may fracture the “wall of the floodgate” and all the trapped energy will spill over. Then one may suffer some sort of crisis through a violent emotional outburst or even collapse.

The third chakra contains all the “raw” / primitive feelings.

When we freely externalise and unobtrusively invest these outwardly, then they can be fulfilled, integrated and become part of the self and the whole of ourselves. But when the senses, for whatever reason, are not expressed and turn inward, they remain “wedged” in the chakra until they are purified/ cleansed. Anger, in particular, can remain trapped for many years. The stomach is very sensitive to sudden changes in our feelings. So, when we feel “butterflies” in our stomach, it is very likely that we are experiencing fear, nervousness or anxiety. A sudden shock is like getting a punch in the stomach causing the feeling of being physically sick. When we are upset, we cannot eat properly. All these natural senses / symptoms reflect the activity and state of the chakra itself.

On the bodily plane the solar plexus chakra is related to:

  • Waist area of the back
  • Abdominal area
  • Gastrointestinal area
  • Digestive system
  • Stomach
  • Spleen
  • Gall bladder
  • Pancreas (insulin)
  • Liver

What do we really want to be?
Dynamic people, victims or oppressors?

If the third chakra works efficiently/ harmoniously, we feel powerful, full of light and positive energy, radiating in our surroundings and we feel unique enjoying a beautiful, happy life with a clear sense of self – direction. Even more, we can enjoy positive characteristics such as: success at work, power, progress, ambition, independent action, precise formation and expression of thoughts, intellect.

An imbalance and dysfunctional Solar plexus chakra can cause:

  • A variety of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Liver disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Increased or decreased appetite
  • Anger
  • Insecurity
  • Fear
  • Fear of being alone
  • Have demanding, manipulative tendencies
  • Workaholism
  • A sense of superiority
  • Paranoia
  • Hostility
  • Excessive pride
  • Obsessions
  • Excessive use of intellect/ rationalization (i.e. excuses)
  • Amnesia
  • Extreme anxiety
  • Psychological illnesses

Cleansing of the intestine is considered to be mandatory for those suffering from neurosis and mental illness.

How to strengthen and Activate the Solar Plexus Chakra:

  • Accept and embrace the joy of life – recognize, feel and appreciate joy, happiness and beauty at all times even in the simplest thing.
  • Embrace and accept yourself the same way you love and respect your best friends.
  • “Know Thyself”. You cannot figure out who you are if you cannot recognize who you are and what you are not.

Position: between the 12th thoracic and the 1st lumbar vertebra

Verb: I CAN

Sense: vision

Element: fire

Colour: yellow

Gland: pancreas

Mantra: RAM

Aromatherapy: lavender, lemon, orange, bergamot, thyme, ylang-ylang

Crystals: citrine, amber, tiger’s eye, pyrite, golden topaz (imperial), golden tourmaline, zincite *, amblygonite, brazilianite, yellow apatite, gold calcite, chrysoberyl, sunstone, grossular / spessartine garnet, libyan gold tektite *, golden labradorite (bytownite), malachite, marcasite, peridot, vanadinite, wulfenite


Anahata = unstruck sound

Heart Chakra

The Sanskrit name Anahata means a sound that has been produced without having been struck – an eternal overall note not made by human hand. This implied divine link with the eternal and divine is associated with the properties of the Heart Chakra which is the entrance to the highest levels of consciousness. Via this energy centre, humankind (we) can connect with Divine Love and immerse ourselves in the True Unity of Everything, the Universal Energy that connects us all.

The three previous chakras are closely related to Karma both individually and collectively, and their “opening” inevitably releases various karmic forces. But the Heart Chakra is not subject to karmic influences. It gives humans (us) the potential to rise above and surpass the limits of Karma. This is where the path to the Highest Consciousness begins, where Karma does not keep anyone “bound”, so here we are free to experience our Eternal Life.

The Heart Chakra is the centre of the entire system of chakras. It connects the three inferior centres of emotions with the three higher intellectual and spiritual centres. Thus, the energies penetrate each other for the purpose of total cleansing and healing.

The Heart Chakra aims to achieve perfect harmony and union through Love. This pure and completely open state is the centre of true, unconditional love.

Love is not an abstract, indeterminate and intangible concept. It is a specific property and frequency of energy that diffuses from the centre of the heart and encompasses many qualities (care, support, protection). We have all felt it at least once, some even instantly, when we extend a hand, in a caress or when we warmly embrace someone. Love is accompanied by a distinct physical sensation that seems to spring from the heart and sometimes even seems to resemble pain. That is why many people, due to this intensity tend to rationally/mentally control the Heart Chakra. Few people manage to live their whole life radiating from the heart. This level of love is rare and only when it happens is there a constant flow of life energy to others through the Heart Chakra. It is compassion – in the sense of emotional solidarity rather than that of pity – which is identical to universal, unconditional love. This energy has the power to heal and transform. Mother Teresa was without a doubt the living personification of this power and is said to have been a channel of Christ’s love.

When we accept and understand that all desires, experiences, and senses have a deeper significance and allow ourselves to embark on the journey to discover this (even through pain) then we will discover in the fourth chakra the power of acceptance that vibrates in the frequency of love. If we learn to cherish and fully accept from the bottom of our hearts all the parts of our personality, only then will we be able to be transformed or healed completely. Self-acceptance opens the path for the acceptance of others with all their faults as well as the acceptance of all situations. Thus, we are then free to follow our own dharma, the purpose of our soul and our path in this life, while allowing others to follow their own. The expression “if you love someone, set them free” encapsulates the power of a fully developed Heart Chakra. The greatest gift we can give someone is to simply allow them “to be”, releasing them from any trace of possessiveness, neediness or the misplaced sense of responsibility we may have developed towards them.

On the bodily plane, the Heart Chakra is related to the following:

  • The back
  • Chest and thorax
  • Heart
  • Lungs
  • Circulatory system
  • Hands
  • Skin
  • Thymus gland

Imbalance and dysfunction of this Chakra can cause:

  • Cardiac and pulmonary diseases
  • Bronchial and cardiac asthma
  • High and low blood pressure
  • Dystonia

And a character which is:

  • Possessive
  • Loves only under their own terms
  • Fears rejection
  • Feels unworthy of being loved
  • Behaves over-dramatically
  • Self-pitying
  • Unable to give and receive love
  • Unable to confide in anyone /have trust in others has a negative perception of reality
  • Susceptible to depression.

Position:  between fourth and fifth thoracic vertebra

Verb:  LOVE

Sense:  touch

Element:  air

Colour:  green/pink   Gland:  thymus  

Mantra:  Yam

Aromatherapy:  Rosemary, Geranium, Jasmine

Crystals:  Pink Quartz, Green / Pink Tourmaline, Smaragdite, Rhodonite Rhodochrosite, Kunzite, Green Aventurine, Pink Calcite, Chrysoprase, Dioptase, Green Jade, Lepidocrocite, Lepidoptera, Moldavite, Morganite, Pink Sapphire, Green Quartz Seriphos, Variscites, Vivianites

figure anahata
figure anahata

Anahata = unstruck sound

The Heart Chakra

The Sanskrit name Anahata means a sound that has been produced without having been struck – an eternal overall note not made by human hand. This implied divine link with the eternal and divine is associated with the properties of the Heart Chakra which is the entrance to the highest levels of consciousness. Via this energy centre, humankind (we) can connect with Divine Love and immerse ourselves in the True Unity of Everything, the Universal Energy that connects us all.

The three previous chakras are closely related to Karma both individually and collectively, and their “opening” inevitably releases various karmic forces. But the Heart Chakra is not subject to karmic influences. It gives humans (us) the potential to rise above and surpass the limits of Karma. This is where the path to the Highest Consciousness begins, where Karma does not keep anyone “bound”, so here we are free to experience our Eternal Life.

The Heart Chakra is the centre of the entire system of chakras. It connects the three inferior centres of emotions with the three higher intellectual and spiritual centres. Thus, the energies penetrate each other for the purpose of total cleansing and healing.

The Heart Chakra aims to achieve perfect harmony and union through Love. This pure and completely open state is the centre of true, unconditional love.

Love is not an abstract, indeterminate and intangible concept. It is a specific property and frequency of energy that diffuses from the centre of the heart and encompasses many qualities (care, support, protection). We have all felt it at least once, some even instantly, when we extend a hand, in a caress or when we warmly embrace someone. Love is accompanied by a distinct physical sensation that seems to spring from the heart and sometimes even seems to resemble pain. That is why many people, due to this intensity tend to rationally/mentally control the Heart Chakra. Few people manage to live their whole life radiating from the heart. This level of love is rare and only when it happens is there a constant flow of life energy to others through the Heart Chakra. It is compassion – in the sense of emotional solidarity rather than that of pity – which is identical to universal, unconditional love. This energy has the power to heal and transform. Mother Teresa was without a doubt the living personification of this power and is said to have been a channel of Christ’s love.

When we accept and understand that all desires, experiences, and senses have a deeper significance and allow ourselves to embark on the journey to discover this (even through pain) then we will discover in the fourth chakra the power of acceptance that vibrates in the frequency of love. If we learn to cherish and fully accept from the bottom of our hearts all the parts of our personality, only then will we be able to be transformed or healed completely. Self-acceptance opens the path for the acceptance of others with all their faults as well as the acceptance of all situations. Thus, we are then free to follow our own dharma, the purpose of our soul and our path in this life, while allowing others to follow their own. The expression “if you love someone, set them free” encapsulates the power of a fully developed Heart Chakra. The greatest gift we can give someone is to simply allow them “to be”, releasing them from any trace of possessiveness, neediness or the misplaced sense of responsibility we may have developed towards them.

On the bodily plane, the Heart Chakra is related to the following:

  • The back
  • Chest and thorax
  • Heart
  • Lungs
  • Circulatory system
  • Hands
  • Skin
  • Thymus gland

Imbalance and dysfunction of this Chakra can cause:

  • Cardiac and pulmonary diseases
  • Bronchial and cardiac asthma
  • High and low blood pressure
  • Dystonia

And a character which is:

  • Possessive
  • Loves only under their own terms
  • Fears rejection
  • Feels unworthy of being loved
  • Behaves over-dramatically
  • Self-pitying
  • Unable to give and receive love
  • Unable to confide in anyone /have trust in others has a negative perception of reality
  • Susceptible to depression.

Position:  between fourth and fifth thoracic vertebra

Verb:  LOVE

Sense:  touch

Element:  air

Colour:  green/pink   Gland:  thymus  

Mantra:  Yam

Aromatherapy:  Rosemary, Geranium, Jasmine

Crystals:  Pink Quartz, Green / Pink Tourmaline, Smaragdite, Rhodonite Rhodochrosite, Kunzite, Green Aventurine, Pink Calcite, Chrysoprase, Dioptase, Green Jade, Lepidocrocite, Lepidoptera, Moldavite, Morganite, Pink Sapphire, Green Quartz Seriphos, Variscites, Vivianites

figure vishuddha

Vishuddha = To Purify

Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is the centre of speech, verbal expression, communication, creativity and sociability.

It acts as a link between the lower chakras and that of the Crown. In addition, it serves as a bridge between our thoughts and our senses, our impulses and our reactions. At the same time, it expresses what is in all the Chakras of our inner self. Through the Throat Chakra we can express everything within us: laughter and tears, the emotions of love and happiness, agony and aggression, our intentions and desires, our ideas, our knowledge and the perception of our inner worlds.

The throat Chakra is not only the element of communication, but also the transmitter of information at all levels of BEING.

The power of vibration and the energy of the Word (sound) is at the centre of Creation according to Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism. It is synonymous to God, the Highest Source.

About three thousand years ago, an entire system of philosophy and practice based solely on sound was created in the Vedas and Tantra of Eastern Tradition. This knowledge was part of a strictly guarded verbal system. Part of this teaching has survived to this day in the form of Mantras.

There are many mantras, either as a word or small phrases, the repetition of which helps the individual to enter into a state of meditation. The mantra is said/sounded on the physical/ bodily plane, but its vibrations penetrate all the layers and can lead to transcendental levels. The best known of which are the Indian “AUM” and the Buddhist “Om mani padme hum”.

The chakras – apart from the Crown – have their own mantra / sacred sound. This sound is said to have the power to awaken the energies of each Chakra.

The throat Chakra allows energy coming from the other chakras to come out and express itself.

Suppressing this capacity due to internal or external influences will undoubtedly lead to problems.

It must be understood that the chakras are interconnected, just as the gears of a mechanism and part of a continuous flow of energy. Any blockage in one of these will cause a chain reaction resulting in damage to the rest.

Let’s take for example a relationship that has issues which can come from feelings that are suppressed and are not recognized, expressed and discussed. There will almost certainly be symptoms in the throat chakra, but it also is highly likely that there will be tension in the Heart chakra, too. So, if a person suffers from continuous or recurrent problems in the throat/neck area the best approach would be to examine the existing situations in their life and discover what restrictions prevent them from expressing themselves whether caused by others or themselves, albeit inadvertently, they impose this on themselves.

A blockage in the throat chakra creates a closed circuit of energy from which nothing can escape. When this happens, the energy must go in one of two directions: Either up where it will be “locked “in the Third Eye chakra, so that in this case the individual will be a dreamer , living in their  own imaginary world, desiring  to escape reality, or the energy will follow the second direction- down. Then it will go down and distort the first, second and third chakras. In this case, tendencies of manipulation, exploitation and domination are developed in the individual, which are accompanied by selfish and often aggressive behaviour.

That is why it is vital to express the energy of the fifth chakra by letting it out. Personal expression of ideas and thoughts, as well as communication through the verbal or written, music, painting, acting, or any other form of art, contribute significantly to maintaining a healthy flow of energy through the throat Chakra.

On the bodily plane, the throat chakra is related to the following:  • throat • cervix • oesophagus • bronchi • vocal cords, • jaw • shoulders • metabolism • thyroid gland, parathyroid.

When our Throat Chakra works efficiently and is balanced, we have excellent communication skills and spiritual clarity, our words find their goal and reflect our feelings.

In addition, we can become good listeners and develop a deep understanding of our interlocutor.

While conversely, an imbalanced and dysfunctional throat chakra can cause:

  • Thyroid disease
  • Endocrine system problems
  • Inflammation of the laryngeal cavity
  • Chest disorders
  • The sniffles
  • Stuttering and other speech disorders
  • Problems in metabolism
  • Problems with swallowing food
  • Tension and stiffness of the shoulders.
  • Inability to express oneself properly
  • Suffering from verbosity and dogmatism, hypocrisy and arrogance

In addition, anyone with an imbalanced and dysfunctional Throat Chakra do not practice what they preach, they have guilt and or inferiority complexes, delusions of grandeur, an exaggerated sense of responsibility (i.e. hyper-responsibility), very hard on themselves and argumentative.

How to Strengthen and Activate the Throat Chakra:

  • Singing
  • Chanting mantras
  • Playing a musical instrument – calms while through this physical activity, any excess energy is harmlessly channeled.

Position: at the base of the throat


Sense: hearing

Element: ether (akasa)

Colour: blue, green-blue

Gland: thyroid

Mantra: Ham

Aromatherapy: Sage, Eucalyptus, Chamomile, Sandalwood.

Crystals: Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate, Druse, Blue Chalcedony, Blue Topaz, Larimar, Ajoite *, Amazonite, Blue Aragonite, Blue Calcite, Chrysotile, Euclase, Tanzanite *, Blue Tourmaline.

figure vishuddha

Vishuddha = To Purify

The Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is the centre of speech, verbal expression, communication, creativity and sociability.

It acts as a link between the lower chakras and that of the Crown. In addition, it serves as a bridge between our thoughts and our senses, our impulses and our reactions. At the same time, it expresses what is in all the Chakras of our inner self. Through the Throat Chakra we can express everything within us: laughter and tears, the emotions of love and happiness, agony and aggression, our intentions and desires, our ideas, our knowledge and the perception of our inner worlds.

The throat Chakra is not only the element of communication, but also the transmitter of information at all levels of BEING.

The power of vibration and the energy of the Word (sound) is at the centre of Creation according to Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism. It is synonymous to God, the Highest Source.

About three thousand years ago, an entire system of philosophy and practice based solely on sound was created in the Vedas and Tantra of Eastern Tradition. This knowledge was part of a strictly guarded verbal system. Part of this teaching has survived to this day in the form of Mantras.

There are many mantras, either as a word or small phrases, the repetition of which helps the individual to enter into a state of meditation. The mantra is said/sounded on the physical/ bodily plane, but its vibrations penetrate all the layers and can lead to transcendental levels. The best known of which are the Indian “AUM” and the Buddhist “Om mani padme hum”.

The chakras – apart from the Crown – have their own mantra / sacred sound. This sound is said to have the power to awaken the energies of each Chakra.

The throat Chakra allows energy coming from the other chakras to come out and express itself.

Suppressing this capacity due to internal or external influences will undoubtedly lead to problems.

It must be understood that the chakras are interconnected, just as the gears of a mechanism and part of a continuous flow of energy. Any blockage in one of these will cause a chain reaction resulting in damage to the rest.

Let’s take for example a relationship that has issues which can come from feelings that are suppressed and are not recognized, expressed and discussed. There will almost certainly be symptoms in the throat chakra, but it also is highly likely that there will be tension in the Heart chakra, too. So, if a person suffers from continuous or recurrent problems in the throat/neck area the best approach would be to examine the existing situations in their life and discover what restrictions prevent them from expressing themselves whether caused by others or themselves, albeit inadvertently, they impose this on themselves.

A blockage in the throat chakra creates a closed circuit of energy from which nothing can escape. When this happens, the energy must go in one of two directions: Either up where it will be “locked “in the Third Eye chakra, so that in this case the individual will be a dreamer , living in their  own imaginary world, desiring  to escape reality, or the energy will follow the second direction- down. Then it will go down and distort the first, second and third chakras. In this case, tendencies of manipulation, exploitation and domination are developed in the individual, which are accompanied by selfish and often aggressive behaviour.

That is why it is vital to express the energy of the fifth chakra by letting it out. Personal expression of ideas and thoughts, as well as communication through the verbal or written, music, painting, acting, or any other form of art, contribute significantly to maintaining a healthy flow of energy through the throat Chakra.

On the bodily plane, the throat chakra is related to the following:  • throat • cervix • oesophagus • bronchi • vocal cords, • jaw • shoulders • metabolism • thyroid gland, parathyroid.

When our Throat Chakra works efficiently and is balanced, we have excellent communication skills and spiritual clarity, our words find their goal and reflect our feelings.

In addition, we can become good listeners and develop a deep understanding of our interlocutor.

While conversely, an imbalanced and dysfunctional throat chakra can cause:

  • Thyroid disease
  • Endocrine system problems
  • Inflammation of the laryngeal cavity
  • Chest disorders
  • The sniffles
  • Stuttering and other speech disorders
  • Problems in metabolism
  • Problems with swallowing food
  • Tension and stiffness of the shoulders.
  • Inability to express oneself properly
  • Suffering from verbosity and dogmatism, hypocrisy and arrogance

In addition, anyone with an imbalanced and dysfunctional Throat Chakra do not practice what they preach, they have guilt and or inferiority complexes, delusions of grandeur, an exaggerated sense of responsibility (i.e. hyper-responsibility), very hard on themselves and argumentative.

How to Strengthen and Activate the Throat Chakra:

  • Singing
  • Chanting mantras
  • Playing a musical instrument – calms while through this physical activity, any excess energy is harmlessly channeled.

Position: at the base of the throat


Sense: hearing

Element: ether (akasa)

Colour: blue, green-blue

Gland: thyroid

Mantra: Ham

Aromatherapy: Sage, Eucalyptus, Chamomile, Sandalwood.

Crystals: Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate, Druse, Blue Chalcedony, Blue Topaz, Larimar, Ajoite *, Amazonite, Blue Aragonite, Blue Calcite, Chrysotile, Euclase, Tanzanite *, Blue Tourmaline.

Ajna = I see or understand

Third Eye Chakra

The sixth chakra is a special energy node, as the three major energy channels (nadis) of the human body meet: Sushumna, Ida and Pingala
The awakening of their energies can bring incredible spiritual “gifts” to a person.

When activated, this chakra really functions as a Third Eye. It is the seat of superior mental powers, memory and our ability to substantiate facts. It is the centre of inner wisdom, it sees and communicates with the “invisible” worlds, the seat of consciousness and the point where one can make matter appear and disappear, create new realities on the physical plane and oust the old.

Most of our thoughts are controlled by unresolved emotional patterns and are programmed by our opinions and prejudices and that of others. Our mind is therefore often not the master, but the servant of emotionally charged thoughts.
By developing consciousness and opening the Third Eye more and more, we can control this process in a more conscious way, and our imagination can create the energy that is necessary to fulfil our desires.

Combined with the Heart Chakra, we can emit healing energy even over great distances.

The activation of the Third Eye Chakra greatly increases powers of vision, which is the ability to “see” with the mind’s eye.

We all have the natural ability and faculty to create images. Our mind produces innumerable images in the dream process spontaneously, naturally and effortlessly. Children usually have a vivid imagination, which, unfortunately, in most cases fades due to our education and maturity. Remember that everyone was once a child with unbridled imagination, but we gradually lost the wonderful ability to interact with the world completely and in a unifying way, replacing the communicative code of images with that of words.

While the throat Chakra uses sound to communicate through speech, the Third Eye chakra uses light to transmit messages in the form of visual symbols and images.

In the inner world of dreams and imagination there are no restrictions enforced on us by the rules of physical reality. Anything can happen. The inconceivable and incredible happens next to the most mundane thought of everyday life, the fantastic next to the ordinary. The “logic” of space, time and matter does not exist. Transformations at all levels are constantly accompanied by changes in scenes and contents. Events can happen simultaneously or go back in time.

From a conscious aspect, all of this seems confusing and difficult to understand / interpret. However, from the aspect of the cognitive function of the 6th chakra, this language of light is a direct communication of energy which affects the electrical synapses of the brain and, hence, the entire system.

Position: between and slightly above the eyebrows


Sensation: all senses including sensory perception

Element: –

Color: indigo

Gland: pituitary

Mantra: Ksam

Aromatherapy: mint, jasmine, basil, vetiver, patchouli, rosemary

Crystals: Azurite, Sodalite, Amethyst, Iolite, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Sapphire, Lazulite, Ulexite, Moonstone, Kyanite, Amphibole Quartz, Herkimer Quartz, Blue Apatite, Alexandrite, Apophyllite, Barite, Selenite Benitoite *, Brookite *, Natrolite *Nuummite, Moldavite *, Petalite *, Phenakite *, Tanzanite *, Cavansite, Charoite, Dumortierite, Blue / Purple Fluorite, Herderite *, Heulandite.

figure ajna
figure ajna

Ajna = I see or understand

The Third Eye Chakra

The sixth chakra is a special energy node, as the three major energy channels (nadis) of the human body meet: Sushumna, Ida and Pingala
The awakening of their energies can bring incredible spiritual “gifts” to a person.

When activated, this chakra really functions as a Third Eye. It is the seat of superior mental powers, memory and our ability to substantiate facts. It is the centre of inner wisdom, it sees and communicates with the “invisible” worlds, the seat of consciousness and the point where one can make matter appear and disappear, create new realities on the physical plane and oust the old.

Most of our thoughts are controlled by unresolved emotional patterns and are programmed by our opinions and prejudices and that of others. Our mind is therefore often not the master, but the servant of emotionally charged thoughts.
By developing consciousness and opening the Third Eye more and more, we can control this process in a more conscious way, and our imagination can create the energy that is necessary to fulfil our desires.

Combined with the Heart Chakra, we can emit healing energy even over great distances.

The activation of the Third Eye Chakra greatly increases powers of vision, which is the ability to “see” with the mind’s eye.

We all have the natural ability and faculty to create images. Our mind produces innumerable images in the dream process spontaneously, naturally and effortlessly. Children usually have a vivid imagination, which, unfortunately, in most cases fades due to our education and maturity. Remember that everyone was once a child with unbridled imagination, but we gradually lost the wonderful ability to interact with the world completely and in a unifying way, replacing the communicative code of images with that of words.

While the throat Chakra uses sound to communicate through speech, the Third Eye chakra uses light to transmit messages in the form of visual symbols and images.

In the inner world of dreams and imagination there are no restrictions enforced on us by the rules of physical reality. Anything can happen. The inconceivable and incredible happens next to the most mundane thought of everyday life, the fantastic next to the ordinary. The “logic” of space, time and matter does not exist. Transformations at all levels are constantly accompanied by changes in scenes and contents. Events can happen simultaneously or go back in time.

From a conscious aspect, all of this seems confusing and difficult to understand / interpret. However, from the aspect of the cognitive function of the 6th chakra, this language of light is a direct communication of energy which affects the electrical synapses of the brain and, hence, the entire system.

Position: between and slightly above the eyebrows


Sensation: all senses including sensory perception

Element: –

Color: indigo

Gland: pituitary

Mantra: Ksam

Aromatherapy: mint, jasmine, basil, vetiver, patchouli, rosemary

Crystals: Azurite, Sodalite, Amethyst, Iolite, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Sapphire, Lazulite, Ulexite, Moonstone, Kyanite, Amphibole Quartz, Herkimer Quartz, Blue Apatite, Alexandrite, Apophyllite, Barite, Selenite Benitoite *, Brookite *, Natrolite *Nuummite, Moldavite *, Petalite *, Phenakite *, Tanzanite *, Cavansite, Charoite, Dumortierite, Blue / Purple Fluorite, Herderite *, Heulandite.

figure sahasrara

Sahasrara = The Thousand-Petal Lotus

Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra is the seat of the highest human perfection and is often depicted hovering overhead. From this chakra, we get energy from the Universe, which is the pure energy of God. It shines with all the colours of the spectrum, but its dominant colour is violet.

The Crown Chakra is the source and starting point for the manifestation of the actions of all the other chakras. Here we become connected to the level of being that contains all the unexpressed forms and characteristics. This chakra is the place where we feel ‘at home’. This is where we first started our journey in life and to this place we will return at the end of our development. This is where we live and experience unity with the primordial Divine Principle of which we are all part.

The awareness that one acquires through the seventh chakra reaches beyond the knowledge given by the chakra of the Third Eye. A person now experiences their own body as a more complex expression of creation, as a manifestation of the Divine Consciousness of which they are an integral part. The blockages that exist in the other six chakras are dissolved and each chakra can now function as a mirror of the Divine Being at its own level and express its highest potential.

According to Hindu views, energy flows in a certain direction. The two major energy nadis, Ida and Pingala, which express solar and lunar currents respectively, join the Sushumna central energy channel in the Third eye chakra and, from there, they continue their journey to the final destination, the Crown Chakra, which is also called ‘Shiva’s residence’.

This is the goal of Kundalini when it begins its upward course, as well as the place where Shiva (male energy) and Shakti (female energy) come together and their holy union is celebrated. Shakti, the mother of matter and form, rises to meet Shiva, which is consciousness. Two opposing but mutually attracted forces meet and unite.

The union of opposites is a recurring theme in alchemy, where the two companions are referred to as ‘the king and queen’ or the sun and the moon.

These opposing forces eventually unite after completing separate purification and transformation processes.

Both alchemy and Hindu metaphysics view the microcosm as a reflection of the macrocosm, ‘what is above looks like what is below.’ In other words, the cosmic forces become defined within each person. The forces that Shiva and Shakti represent are both public and personal. When these two forces are separated, then human consciousness is limited, and a sense of division and polarity is what becomes dominant. But when they unite, consciousness is transformed by reaching a level of incredible unity where the difference between ‘me’ and ‘you disappears.

Through this state of unity, a person is finally led to the final liberation from Samsara, the eternal cycle of reincarnation. When one does not have a sense of self, precisely because one is united with the whole, then incarnation on earth does not have a purpose anymore. Consciousness has now been freed from the countless illusions that have kept it trapped and has been liberated and enlightened.

At the physical level, the Crown Chakra is related to the following: Brain, skull, epiphysis, serotonin, dopamine, the whole body.

When the Crown chakra works smoothly and in a balanced way, the person is in complete control of their feelings and can experience richer and deeper emotions with other people.

Their mind is free from various kinds of attachments, intuition deepens, mental abilities become stronger, and the mental powers of concentration and discernment become more substantial and more reliable. The mind’s ability to make drastic decisions and to act effectively in order to achieve its goals becomes strengthened. A direct relationship between the spiritual and the visible world of everyday life also begins to develop. When the human mind is consciously engaged in spiritual work, the crown chakra will be active to a degree. In fact, when spiritual activity is intertwined with everyday life, the chakra will continue to open gradually influenced by the impulse and strength of the spiritual direction that the individual follows.

The Crown Chakra enables us to liberate our minds, to break the narrow boundaries of our three-dimensional existence and to consciously communicate with other higher worlds and dimensions while we keep living in our earthly world.

Imbalance and dysfunction of the Crown Chakra can cause:

  • Headaches and migraines, nervousness, various psychological disorders to absolute insanity.
  • Various diseases of unknown causes, as well as disorders of the nervous system.
  • Alienation, depression.
    The person feels confused and frustrated. At times they may develop various manic disorders (related to order, cleanliness, etc.), become trapped in inescapable conventional situations, always feel ‘exhausted’ and unable to make the right decisions regarding their life.

Verb: I KNOW
Sense: –
Element: –
Colour: Violet, white, gold
Gland: Epiphysis
Mantra: Om

Aromatherapy: Lotus Flower, incense, myrrh, rosemary

Crystals: Amethyst, Charoite, Credite, Azurite, Apophyllite, Selenite, Sodalite, Iolite, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Sapphire, Lazulite, Ulexite, Moonstone, Kyanite, Amphibole Quartz, Herkimer Quartz, Blue Apatite, Alexandrite, Barite, *Benitoite, *Brookite, *Natrolite,Nummite, *Moldavite, *Petalite,
*Phenakite, *Tanzanite, Cavansite, Dumortierite, Blue / Purple Fluorite, *Herderite, Heulandite.

figure sahasrara new
figure sahasrara

Sahasrara = The Thousand-Petal Lotus

Crown Chakra/b>

The Crown Chakra is the seat of the highest human perfection and is often depicted hovering overhead. From this chakra, we get energy from the Universe, which is the pure energy of God. It shines with all the colours of the spectrum, but its dominant colour is violet.

The Crown Chakra is the source and starting point for the manifestation of the actions of all the other chakras. Here we become connected to the level of being that contains all the unexpressed forms and characteristics. This chakra is the place where we feel ‘at home’. This is where we first started our journey in life and to this place we will return at the end of our development. This is where we live and experience unity with the primordial Divine Principle of which we are all part.

The awareness that one acquires through the seventh chakra reaches beyond the knowledge given by the chakra of the Third Eye. A person now experiences their own body as a more complex expression of creation, as a manifestation of the Divine Consciousness of which they are an integral part. The blockages that exist in the other six chakras are dissolved and each chakra can now function as a mirror of the Divine Being at its own level and express its highest potential.

According to Hindu views, energy flows in a certain direction. The two major energy nadis, Ida and Pingala, which express solar and lunar currents respectively, join the Sushumna central energy channel in the Third eye chakra and, from there, they continue their journey to the final destination, the Crown Chakra, which is also called ‘Shiva’s residence’.

This is the goal of Kundalini when it begins its upward course, as well as the place where Shiva (male energy) and Shakti (female energy) come together and their holy union is celebrated. Shakti, the mother of matter and form, rises to meet Shiva, which is consciousness. Two opposing but mutually attracted forces meet and unite.

The union of opposites is a recurring theme in alchemy, where the two companions are referred to as ‘the king and queen’ or the sun and the moon.

These opposing forces eventually unite after completing separate purification and transformation processes.

Both alchemy and Hindu metaphysics view the microcosm as a reflection of the macrocosm, ‘what is above looks like what is below.’ In other words, the cosmic forces become defined within each person. The forces that Shiva and Shakti represent are both public and personal. When these two forces are separated, then human consciousness is limited, and a sense of division and polarity is what becomes dominant. But when they unite, consciousness is transformed by reaching a level of incredible unity where the difference between ‘me’ and ‘you disappears.

Through this state of unity, a person is finally led to the final liberation from Samsara, the eternal cycle of reincarnation. When one does not have a sense of self, precisely because one is united with the whole, then incarnation on earth does not have a purpose anymore. Consciousness has now been freed from the countless illusions that have kept it trapped and has been liberated and enlightened.

At the physical level, the Crown Chakra is related to the following: Brain, skull, epiphysis, serotonin, dopamine, the whole body.

When the Crown chakra works smoothly and in a balanced way, the person is in complete control of their feelings and can experience richer and deeper emotions with other people.

Their mind is free from various kinds of attachments, intuition deepens, mental abilities become stronger, and the mental powers of concentration and discernment become more substantial and more reliable. The mind’s ability to make drastic decisions and to act effectively in order to achieve its goals becomes strengthened. A direct relationship between the spiritual and the visible world of everyday life also begins to develop. When the human mind is consciously engaged in spiritual work, the crown chakra will be active to a degree. In fact, when spiritual activity is intertwined with everyday life, the chakra will continue to open gradually influenced by the impulse and strength of the spiritual direction that the individual follows.

The Crown Chakra enables us to liberate our minds, to break the narrow boundaries of our three-dimensional existence and to consciously communicate with other higher worlds and dimensions while we keep living in our earthly world.

Imbalance and dysfunction of the Crown Chakra can cause:

  • Headaches and migraines, nervousness, various psychological disorders to absolute insanity.
  • Various diseases of unknown causes, as well as disorders of the nervous system.
  • Alienation, depression.
    The person feels confused and frustrated. At times they may develop various manic disorders (related to order, cleanliness, etc.), become trapped in inescapable conventional situations, always feel ‘exhausted’ and unable to make the right decisions regarding their life.

Verb: I KNOW
Sense: –
Element: –
Colour: Violet, white, gold
Gland: Epiphysis
Mantra: Om

Aromatherapy: Lotus Flower, incense, myrrh, rosemary

Crystals: Amethyst, Charoite, Credite, Azurite, Apophyllite, Selenite, Sodalite, Iolite, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Sapphire, Lazulite, Ulexite, Moonstone, Kyanite, Amphibole Quartz, Herkimer Quartz, Blue Apatite, Alexandrite, Barite, *Benitoite, *Brookite, *Natrolite,Nummite, *Moldavite, *Petalite,
*Phenakite, *Tanzanite, Cavansite, Dumortierite, Blue / Purple Fluorite, *Herderite, Heulandite.

Client Testimonials

Hello. In the spring of 2008 I met Mary Markou, Progressor of Cosmic Energy Healing and the method of Cosmic Energy Therapy. Fortunately for me. I say happy because, at some point, my health was shaken by very severe Illing crisis. I suffered for two whole years. Tragic !!! The doctors’ opinion: After they didn’t find out where he came from, they told me that now I “married” them (the vertigo). The treatment: Very strong drugs, prescribed only by a psychiatrist. I also warmly thank Mary Markou from my soul, who with the Cosmic Energy Treatments literally wiped out the Illigans from my body. My life now, free from this nightmare, is beautiful. I live my every day full of joy, without fear and insecurity about when I will lose ground again under my feet! Thank you Mary Markou.

Geogria S., Optitian

Cosmic Energy, a method of treatment used by Mary Markou, was an incredible experience for me. After the first session, amazing things started happening, one after the other. I have to admit that the sessions helped me regain my self-confidence, improve mentally and professionally to such an extent that I feel I can achieve my dreams. And that’s exactly what happened. I would advise everyone to do energy sessions so that they can fulfill their dreams. My experience was so strong that I wanted to cry for happiness, which was rather strange, as I was never used to crying or expressing my feelings. Now, I feel different, in a way, my real self. I can live my feelings. This is all Mary’s work!

Grigoris G., TV Producer

How I overcame the pain in my neck and back. I first encountered Cosmic Energy Healing two and a half years ago. At that time I was going through a difficult time, both physically and mentally, and a good friend of mine suggested it. I started the treatments without expecting much. This was a misconception. I felt the first signs of recovery very soon. For the last ten years, I have been suffering from neck and back pain resulting in frequent and severe headaches. Of course, I managed to improve in just ten days. I also felt that I benefited psychologically, as the healing process helps you see your weaknesses in a much clearer light and therefore you are able to work on them more constructively. You are given a different perspective on things that allow you to help yourself. if you really want it. I confess that when I first started the sessions I was quite hesitant, still negative. Cosmic energy healing has helped me a lot. It made me realize the magnitude of the power within me (and in each of us, of course). It is a terrible “weapon” that can stimulate love and motivate us to live the lives we deserve. I highly recommend it! My testimony would not be complete without mentioning my therapist, Mary Markou, to whom I owe a lot and I highly recommend it.

A.B., Hotel Owner

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