The Human Biofield ( Aura )

The Human Biofield ( Aura )

The Energy Body

The whole energy body consists of seven layers. Each energy layer changes into another immediately, not gradually. When energy potential changes, quantity becomes quality. This is a law that governs Galaxies and entire Universes, on which the hierarchical and multi-layered structure of the Cosmos is based.

The Layers

The Physical Body: The first layer is the one that is a physical being, in other words our body.

The rest – six in a row – going from the innermost layer to the outermost are:

The etheric body extends beyond our physical form by 1-1.5 centimetres and serves as our “ethereal twin,” mirroring our size and shape precisely. Our physical body is built upon this etheric layer and is a replica of it. Throughout our lives, this layer is responsible for forming and repairing our physical body. It carries vital creative energy and senses. It absorbs the Sun’s life force, transmitting it through the nerves like electricity in cables.

During illness, the etheric layer thins and absorbs less energy, deforming outbound energies and vibrations. It acts as the foundational “material” of our structure. An underdeveloped etheric layer increases disease susceptibility, while a well-developed one strengthens the immune system and boosts resilience and productivity. The etheric layer strengthens alongside the respiratory and muscular systems. Good health, physical strength, endurance, and industriousness indicate a healthy etheric layer.

The astral layer, linked to the Moon’s gravitational field and lunar cycles, is colourful and records all emotions. With a complex anatomy, this energy is heavy yet thinner than the etheric, stimulating our sensory organs and physical objects.

The quality of the astral layer depends on our feelings and desires. Each emotion and desire corresponds to a frequency, shaping the energy we accumulate and release. Gentle desires and beautiful feelings gather positive energy, while negative emotions produce low frequencies. This layer reflects its quality and colour: dark and dull for negative energies, bright and beautiful for positive ones.

Strengthening the astral layer involves exposure to cold, such as swimming in cold water. The colder the water, and the closer it is to nature, the more astral energy it contains. Further, beneficial habits you can adopt are walking barefoot on the ground and fasting.

Beware of energy leaks from overeating, excessive sex and extreme cold, But the greatest enemy of the astral layer is depression. Depression can destroy someone within a few days.  Also bear in mind that anger consumes a day’s worth of Prana in one outburst, leading to energy and physical weakness if prolonged.

It is difficult to describe its form. According to the writings of Alice Bailey, it resembles light that shines in various hues, depending on the vibration that caused it. When a human mind begins to evolve and engage with higher matters, this layer becomes brighter and more beautiful.

The “matter” that makes up the mental layer is that of the overall gravitational field of the planets in our solar system, and the planet that has the greatest influence on this layer is “Jupiter.” The mental layer also includes the program that determines the limits of human spiritual development.

It has been unequivocally proven that our thoughts affect our health three times more intensely than emotions and desires. Thought is a form of electromagnetic radiation and produces energy, which the denser it becomes, the cruder it becomes.

As human beings, we constantly influence reality by changing the quality of our thoughts and emotions. Therefore, how and what we believe about ourselves is of utmost importance because this is ultimately what we will receive in our personal reality. What we fear is exactly what we attract, while that which we resist most is what occurs in our life. Similarly, our planet has its own mental layer along with its own level of development and its own evolutionary program.

This level directs and controls all the aforementioned lower layers. It contains the development program for each layer as well as the time activation program for each desire, instinct, and action. Each program “runs” in its own time: infancy – childhood – adolescence – mature age – old age.

The Causal-Karmic layer has recorded the history of all previous lives of an individual and all their transgressions as well as their sacred actions that are not in accordance with the program and consequently accumulate karma. The karmic layer can be likened to a computer that contains all the information about the individual.

The karmic layer is the master of our “ego.” The Russian mathematician and philosopher Peter D. Ouspensky in his work called it “the layer of self-awareness.” The Causal layer contains the causes of all actions and is almost never susceptible to random external influences.

Unfortunately, the karmic layer of most people is not at the level it should be. People usually do not seem to love what requires effort. Laziness must be fought. Every effort someone makes to acquire wisdom has a strong impact on the karmic layer.

The development of the karmic layer leads to a sense of spiritual strength and the certainty that no obstacle is insurmountable. We say that the world that wants something very much “has soul.” People who have developed this body are not affected by difficulties and misfortunes and continue to progress steadily towards achieving their goals.

It vibrates at the highest frequency of all energy layers. In the spiritual layer, time has no meaning. Through our spiritual layer, we experience inner unity with God, the omnipresent source of creation. This layer includes the unconscious sphere of consciousness, in other words, the superconscious. It is the source of intuitive enlightenment, which we all use without knowing it – only the enlightened are aware of this. This is our inner “Teacher,” who never insists on their opinion and speaks only when we ask passionately.

Structurally, the spiritual layer is approximately one million times more complex than the physical layer. The exchange of energy between the physical and spiritual layer takes place in the pituitary gland (6th chakra).

The spiritual layer has a unique structure designed to collect high-frequency energy. This is precisely why the human soul evolves, toils, and reincarnates. These difficulties are the “pearls of wisdom” that the soul gathers during a long evolutionary journey and places in this layer in each human life. For evolution, each person must constantly struggle with their “ego.” Spirituality is the reason we exist. Spirituality is the production and accumulation of higher energy.

The main enemy of this energy body is fear in every form expressed as:

  • jealousy and lies.

  • hostility, anger, aggression, and hatred

  • anything that feeds the “ego” – selfish ambition, search for prestige, personal grandeur

  • judging and criticizing other people.

All these block the 4th chakra and prevent the accumulation of positive energy. Above all, they prevent the union of the lower Ego with the Higher Self and consequently with the Supreme Spiritual Authority.

The core of the soul connects to the physical body through the brain and the pineal gland. Humans (i.e., us) must have developed consciousness in order to process information. If the fine layers do not evolve in someone, then in the case of spontaneous exit and union, the person will not come out of it alive. This is about the artificial rise of Kundalini. In fact, this is not a different level of perspective, but a new level of conscious existence, which has become one with God and exists in His image.

Beyond the physical body, the three layers of the biofield of the energy body (Aura) disintegrate after the cessation of physical life as follows:

  • Etheric layer in 3 days
  • Astral layer in 9 days
  • Spiritual layer in 40 days

The other three layers do not disintegrate. They are never separated from each other. They continue their evolution, which does not stop either in the subtle/higher or in the material world.

Each time a program is created for the soul, the layers descend with a new incarnation into the material world. These programs are created taking into account all the information recorded in the causal (karmic) layer of each person. Each energy layer of the biofield transforms into another instantly, not gradually. When the energy potential changes, quantity becomes quality. This is a law that governs galaxies and entire universes, and upon it the hierarchical and multi-level structure of the COSMOS is based.

According to this universal law, each subtle energy is stronger than the heavier one before it, and therefore, is able to direct and control it. The Higher Worlds direct the lower. All living beings on our planet (plants, animals, minerals), including the Earth itself, have been formed by the same hierarchical and multi-layered consciousness. The Divine!

True Aura Impressions

aura sample 1

Mrs. Gioula Markou

This photo shows the aura of Mrs. Gioula Markou, Mary’s mother. The photo was taken a few years ago with a Russian aura camera.

Mary Markou

This photo shows the aura of Mary Markou herself. The photo was taken a few years ago with a Russian aura camera.

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